Leigh Regeneration Project

Funded By Government logoWe have been awarded more than £32m to transform Leigh Town Centre making it more a more attractive, vibrant and accessible place to be.

Over £12m will be invested in the next two years through UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Levelling Up Fund, with a further £20m to follow over the next decade through the Long Term Towns Fund.

Key projects

The Leigh Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) was endorsed by Cabinet in 2021 and provides the overarching vision for regenerating the town centre.

From the foundations set by the SRF, £11.4 million has been secured from the Levelling Up Fund. This is focussed on three projects to be delivered between April 2024 and March 2026:

  1. Public Spaces and pedestrian experience - focussing on improving Civic Square and Market Street/ King Street corridor. This project will improve Civic Square as a space for community and cultural events and a higher quality of public realm including new paving, planting, seats and better spaces
  2. Shopfront and building grant scheme - offering grant funding to incentivise owners to invest in their premises to uplift the vitality and attractiveness of streets and trading space
  3. Leigh Market refurbishment - creating a more attractive environment for customers and traders and ensuring the market has a sustainable vibrant future.
Leigh Regeneration Project Concept 1


Leigh Regeneration Project Concept 1

Leigh Regeneration Project Concept 2


Leigh Regeneration Project Concept 2

The recently announced Long Term Towns Funding provides an opportunity for sustained investment over a longer period of time, in actions and activity related to three themes:

  • Safety and security;
  • High Street, regeneration and heritage;
  • Transport and connectivity.

Over the coming months we will be working with representatives from across the public, private and voluntary sectors via a Towns Board who will work collaboratively and in consultation with our community to produce a 10-year vision and 3-year investment plan which will guide how the funding is invested in the town.

The vision and plan will be submitted to government in August 2024 for approval and then delivery will follow in accordance with the approved plan in late 2024 / early 2025.

There will be much more to come so watch this space for information on opportunities to get involved and next steps on these exciting projects.

Register your interest

We know that engaging with the local community is key to the success of this project and ensuring everyone sees the benefits of this investment.

We are planning to provide regular updates and seek input and feedback at key points along this exciting journey.

If you would like to be involved and receive updates about the Leigh Regeneration Project, sign up to our mailing list.

We love Leigh


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