Brighter Borough fund

The Brighter Borough initiative provides a fund for councillors to propose and support schemes that improve the environment and benefit the community within their Wards.

Who can apply?

Community and voluntary organisations can apply for funding if they:

  • Are based in Wigan Borough or able to demonstrate benefits to this area
  • Operate on a voluntary or non-profit making basis 
  • Have a bank account in the name of the group, with at least two unrelated signatories.

In order to be eligible to receive a grant organisations must have one or more of the following:

  • A constitution or written rules that they operate under
  • Annual accounts or a statement of income and expenditure
  • Current Public Liability Insurance

Please note that we don't need this information to be sent with your application, but that we may ask for it at any time.

What can be funded?

Any proposal which aims to achieve Council objectives by improving the environment, enhancing community facilities or helping to develop the community spirit of an area could be eligible including:

  • Contributions to community events
  • Improvements to community facilities
  • Support for school initiatives (outside the national curriculum)
  • Support for festive celebrations
  • Improvements to open spaces, local parks, etc.

There should be no expectation of future funding. Funding is intended to support specific projects and not to contribute to the annual running costs of an organisation.

What cannot be funded?

  • Activities that have already taken place or purchases that have already been made (retrospective funding)
  • Political or religious causes or campaigns
  • Funding can be awarded to religious groups where the funding is for projects to benefit and involve the wider community.

Brighter Borough funding may only be used to assist individuals where it forms a contribution to the cost of representing the borough at an event of regional of national importance. In this instance the funding must be paid via a properly constituted body and not to the individual by personal cheque.

How do I apply?

If you wish to apply for Brighter Borough funding you should contact one of your local councillors for the area where you live or where your organisation is based. 

If a councillor agrees to support your application for funding they will provide you with a web link to enable you to access the forms which you will need to complete on line.

In order to be eligible to receive a funding you must complete the Brighter Borough application form and provide the following information:

  • Organisation name
  • Name of the councillor you have agreed this with and date
  • Organisation address
  • Name and address of contact, including email address to be used
  • Bank details, this includes name and address of branch, including account number and sort code
  • Use of funds
  • Amount of funding required, including a breakdown of costs within this total

Please note that an original bank statement will need to be provided upon first application or change of account

Approval process

Once a Councillor has received your Brighter Borough application you will receive an email advising you whether the application has been supported

After final approval payment of the funding will be made via BACS within 7-10 working days.

During the process audit checks may be carried out to ensure that money is spent in accordance with the application and therefore original invoices and receipts must be retained.


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