The Deal for Business - refreshed

Wigan borough depends on businesses to create an economy that is both successful and sustainable, promoting opportunity, growth and innovation.

The Deal for Business is a voluntary agreement between the Council and local business, which signifies a shared commitment to supporting the economic growth of the borough.

What’s new?

In early 2021, a Business Consortium of local businesses was formed to focus on the borough’s long-term recovery, post COVID-19. They looked at how the borough’s economy can adapt to new circumstances through the themes of Community Wealth Building.

Wigan Council has worked alongside the Business Consortium to refresh the Deal for Business so that it continues to meet business needs and is accessible to all those trading in the borough. This refreshed deal encourages collaboration, identifies local supply chain opportunities, and celebrates your achievements and successes.

This revamped deal was only made possible by the collaboration and commitment of local businesses.

Our Part / Your Part

We’ve updated both Wigan Council and business commitments under Our Part / Your Part to make sure we continue to reflect business needs and support Wigan’s economic wealth.

Join the Business Consortium

Businesses in the consortium vary in type and size, which ensures that our local business community is well represented and has a voice. We encourage all businesses to participate in the consortium, so contact the business engagement team if you would like your business to be involved:

How can I sign up?

If you’re a business trading in Wigan borough, looking to develop your company, connect with other local businesses and commit to making a difference, then sign up to our Deal for Business. It couldn’t be easier, just fill in our simple online form.

After signing up, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to a self-assessment form.

You will then be awarded a Deal for Business certificate, formally acknowledging your commitment, and a membership level. An engagement officer will contact you shortly after you've been awarded.

What are the new features of the Deal for Business?

Membership levels

The refreshed Deal for Business has 3 membership levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold. On initial sign up to the Deal for Business, all businesses will be awarded the bronze level and receive an email with a link to a self-assessment form. On completion of the self-assessment form your membership level will be awarded.

How do you work out membership levels?

The self-assessment form enables you to provide information about your business in line with the Your Part of the Deal for Business. Responses are then evaluated to help us work out your membership level.

Online business directory

Wigan Council have worked with the Business Consortium to develop some useful tools to support businesses, including an online business directory. The directory will allow you to search for local businesses that have the same values, opening opportunities to connect, source and collaborate with local suppliers.

On signing up to the Deal for Business you can opt in to include your business details on the online business directory.

Wigan Business LinkedIn

Social media is currently channelled through Twitter via @wiganbusiness (external link). As part of the refresh a new communication channel has been established through our Wigan Business LinkedIn group. We will be posting general business news, local business achievements and events.

Join in the conversation today at Wigan Business LinkedIn (external link).

Share your business stories with #DealforBusiness

Do you have a good news story about your business? Maybe you have taken on a new apprentice, won an award or bought a new electric vehicle for your fleet? As a Deal for Business member, you will receive a toolkit of graphics that you can use with #DealforBusiness.

Start to follow the hashtag today to see what other local businesses are up to and share your good news stories.

Connecting businesses

Businesses have expressed an interest in connecting with each other to share their experiences and build strong relationships across the borough. Over the coming months we are looking to introduce informal ‘business connections’.

If you feel you want to share your experiences with another local business or you want to connect with a company who is likeminded, one that may have experienced the same challenges, then let us know when completing your self-assessment form.

The more businesses signing up the more connections we can make.

Mentor/Mentee Programme for businesses

If you want to access more formal mentoring support then the Business Growth Hub mentoring programme may be for you. The programme can help match you to another business leader based on your requirements, whether you want to be a mentor or a mentee.

Let us know if you're interested in mentor service when completing the self-assessment form and we can connect you with a Business Growth Hub business advisor from their mentoring programme.

I've previously signed up, do I need to sign up again?

To access the new features and be awarded your Deal for Business membership level, we will be contacting all businesses who have previously signed up to the Deal for Business over the next few months to request some additional information.

Alternatively, you can complete our Deal for Business sign up form and we will send you the link to the membership level self-assessment form. All existing businesses signed up to the Deal for Business will automatically be assigned the bronze level pending completion of the self-assessment form.

Want to know more?

We want to make sure you have all the information you need before signing up. To find out more about the Deal for Business, you can:


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