What is The Deal?

The Deal is an informal agreement between the council and everyone who lives or works here to work together to create a better borough.

We have committed to a series of pledges and in return need residents and businesses to play their part too. So far through working together we have saved £115m, but there’s still a long way to go.

We now have the second lowest Council Tax rates in the whole of Greater Manchester and believe we can continue to balance our books if you help by doing things like recycling more, volunteering in your communities and using online services.

Thanks to the hard work and commitment of residents and communities The Deal has been a huge success, but we all must keep doing more.

Details of what the council will do and what we want residents to do as part of The Deal

Our Deals

Our Deals are wide ranging, offering partnership work and support in a number of areas. Take a look and find out how you can do more to be part of The Deal.


© Wigan Council