LADO notification form

If you're not sure if the issue meets the threshold to inform LADO, or if you wish to discuss the matter before referring, you can  contact us first.

When receiving an allegation:

  • Treat it seriously and keep an open mind
  • Do not investigate
  • Do not make assumptions or offer alternative explanations
  • Do not promise confidentiality
  • Record the details using the child/adult’s own words
  • Note time/date/place of incident(s), persons present and what was said
  • Sign and date the written record
  • Do not tell the member of staff/volunteer if this might place the child at risk of significant harm or jeopardise any future investigation.

Please use a separate form if more than one child or member of staff/volunteer is involved.

  • Referrer details
    Information about the person / agency reporting the allegation.
  • Referrer’s name

© Wigan Council