Young people's top concern is protecting the environment

Wigan and Leigh Youth Cabinet at their launch of the Make Your Mark ballot
‘Protecting the environment’ is the most important issue to young people in Wigan and Leigh according to the results of a recent ballot.
13,641 local young people voted in the Make Your Mark ballot, which is led nationally by the UK Youth Parliament and facilitated locally by Wigan and Leigh Youth Cabinet.
The ballot, which runs every year, aims to discover what young people’s biggest concerns are.
The borough’s results mirrored the national ones, with the issues of most concern to young people emerging as:
- Protect the environment; protect the environment from the effects of climate change for the next generation. Look towards carbon neutral alternatives.
- Tackle hate crime; Educate young people on how to report hate crime. Invest in safe spaces to promote unity in communities.
- Votes at 16; Give 16- and 17-year olds the chance to vote in all elections and referendums.
Lucy, 15, from Abram, is a member of Wigan and Leigh Youth Cabinet.
She said;
“It wasn’t a surprise that protecting the environment came out top.
I think Greta Thunberg has drawn awareness to the urgency of the issue amongst young people but there was already a big movement of young people who were concerned about the planet.
I know a lot of young people are worried.”
Mia, 12, from Orrell, added;
“I’ve noticed more and more people seem to have asthma, so I’m worried about our air quality, but most young people think about our carbon footprint now and how every action we take affects the environment.”
Young people will now work with Wigan Council and other organisations across the North West, to help influence environmental plans.
Cabinet member, Councillor Jenny Bullen, said;
“We’re aware that the environment is a hugely important issue and are doing lots of work already as a council to address air pollution and develop our environmental strategy.
“We will welcome the chance to work with young people on our plans.”
Wigan and Leigh Youth Cabinet will continue to work on improving mental health support for young people, which was the top concern voted for in the Make Your Mark ballot last year.
The group has been working with Future in Mind, a panel of professionals from Wigan Council, Wigan Borough CCG, schools and lots of local health organisations, to improve young people’s mental health support. Their joint plans will be announced in February.
Lucy said;
“We’re not going to forget about mental health as that will always be an important issue for young people and we’ll continue working on it.
“With the environment issue, I’d like to see some simple things introduced, such as having recycling bins at all schools and in town centres. Wigan borough has a lot of green space so it’s important to protect what we have now to make sure it’s still here for us in the future.”
46% of 11-17-year olds from Wigan and Leigh voted in the latest Make Your Mark ballot, placing the borough 11th in the UK for percentage turnout and 8th in terms of the number of votes generated.
Young people interested in joining the youth cabinet or one of Wigan Council’s local youth voice groups, should contact the council’s targeted youth support services on
Posted on Friday 31st January 2020