Neighbourhood Justice Panel Volunteer

Currently unavailable →

This volunteering opportunity is currently unavailable. Keep checking this page for further updates.

Panel volunteers work with communities to bring together victims and offenders or two parties unable to settle their differences. The aim is to resolve conflict and harm caused by:

  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Minor crime
  • Neighbour disputes.

What does the role involve?

All affected parties will be invited to a meeting to talk about what has happened, acknowledge how people have been affected and establish what can be done to make things right. They will each be given the opportunity to express their feelings without interruption.

Panel members encourage offenders to take responsibility for what they’ve done and make amends to the victim and wider community by engaging in a programme of work, or any other action required e.g. an apology.

Those involved may then sign a Neighbourhood Justice Agreement (NJA). Full training and regular support / supervision is provided.



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