Our Town Community Noticeboard

It is amazing to see so many businesses, contractors and local voluntary groups contacting us, wanting to just be kind to our local community, offering their support to help one of our many VCSE ( Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise) groups who are committed to helping us make Wigan a thriving borough where all our residents can live happy and healthy lives.

Our Town Community Noticeboard has been designed to help you to connect with each other. It is a simple way for businesses and VCSE groups to come together to support each other with time, resources, advice and much more.

Our Town Community SOS

If you are a business or contractor looking to give something back and make a real difference to your community, the Our Town Community SOS is for you.

The Our Town Community SOS was inspired by the idea that, by working together, we can create great change. Many of our groups require support in more than one area e.g. joinery, decorating, groundworks, to help complete a larger scale project that would have a big impact on the way they work and the communities they support.

The Community SOS is for those projects that may require a little more than a lick of paint or bit of tidying up - it’s for projects that demand plenty teamwork and a few different areas of expertise. We’re gathering a panel of experts in their fields who have a real commitment to social value and will be looking to match them to community groups who could really use their support.

To register your interest in joining the panel, or to find out more information, please email CommunityNoticeboard@wigan.gov.uk.

Join our Noticeboard

If you are a local business or contractor

If you are a local business who can offer business support, materials or labour or are a contractor who wants to fulfil corporate social value, you can do this by taking just a few minutes to join our Noticeboard.

Some examples of how you can do this include:

  • Provide business support - marketing advice, business start up advice, HR support
  • Mentoring - Help a local business to thrive by sharing your skills and knowledge
  • One off volunteer opportunities - help to paint a room or hold an event
  • Providing equipment - Paint, wood, soil, gardening equipment etc
  • Support a project - build a community garden, help to renovate unused space, borrow a trades person for a few hours
  • Hold a fundraiser - company car wash, sponsored events

If you are a local community group in need of a little help

If you are a local community group and have a great idea as to what you can do to improve our community, but need some practical help with this, then please join our Noticeboard.

Or, if you can help another community group in some way or another then please let us know, let's work together to make Wigan an amazing place to be #bekind.

If you are Wigan Borough Business

Are you a Wigan Borough Business and your staff take part in corporate volunteering days, or would just like to give something back to the community? There are a number of community groups who would like support for volunteering projects. View a list of groups and contacts in the Borough.

If you are a Wigan Council staff member

If you are a Wigan council member of staff you can use the Employee Volunteering Scheme to help with one-off volunteering projects. If you see a project you would like to help with please head over to The Hub (intranet) and go to the Give Something Back section on My Employment. Also there are a number of community groups that would like support for projects.

Help us to get others to be as kind as you!

We can all make a difference in improving our local community. No matter if you are a resident, local business, VCSE or larger organisation if we all do our bit to support local business and communities we will have played our part in Wigan developing into a thriving borough where people want to live and work.

Sharing stories of what we are doing, no matter how small you think it is, will help with others being as kind as you are. If you have either given help or received help please get in touch! You might just want to say a simple thank you to someone for the help they have given. You can do this by taking just a few minutes to complete the form and we will do the rest!

Look out as we may feature the great work in our monthly Community Wealth Building Newsletter or even our Borough Life magazine.

Read more about Community Wealth Building.

If you have any questions please email CommunityNoticeboard@wigan.gov.uk.


© Wigan Council