If you're in an unhappy place

Not everyone is in a happy place, especially during these current times. You may feel that it's more difficult to get the support and advice you need.

However, there's lots of help and support available and it’s really important that you have access to the best information and guidance in order to make positive and healthy life choices.

What support is available?

Mental health, wellbeing or just struggling to cope

Suicidal feelings

Drug, alcohol and gambling support

Domestic abuse - Partner abuse / child to parent abuse

If you are experiencing or feel at risk of domestic abuse, it’s important to tell someone and remember you’re not alone.

If you don’t feel safe at home, and need to leave, then do so. Support services and Police are still available to help.

Autism support

Bereavement support

Elderly and vulnerable people

Financial support


Many of us will miss seeing family and friends and taking part in our usual hobbies, interests and activities, especially if you live on your own.

Support for carers

Support for parents struggling with child to parent abuse

Young people


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