Playing pitch strategy

To increase opportunities for sports participation, we want to create a high quality and sustainable network of sports pitches and outdoor leisure facilities.

We’ve engaged Sport England and a range of sport National Governing Bodies to assess playing pitch provision and develop a plan for improvement.

This has involved reviewing existing facilities across the borough and looking at pitch type, usage and condition to understand the supply and demand of playing pitches.

From this we’ve put together the following elements that make up our strategy:

  • Assessment report – Providing the latest supply and demand information, which takes into account the planned level of growth proposed in the Council's Local Plan Core Strategy. We will continue to engage with the sport National Governing Bodies and local sports clubs as part of our ongoing review of the strategy.
  • Strategy and action plan – Sets out recommended opportunities for improvement, investment and protection of the borough’s playing pitch facilities, following community consultation and fieldwork. The assessment, strategy and action plan are based on the latest Sport England guidance.
  • Executive summary – A summary of the report and strategy.

The strategy will help to inform planning decisions by the Council and will be a guide to investment decisions from a wide range of bodies and partner organisations that seek to provide high quality sports facilities across the borough.

Please note that this strategy is an enabling document and so does not commit the Council or any other body to funding any of the actions identified.


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