Public Space Protection Orders, Town Centre Consultation

This consultation is now closed

What is a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)?

When there are problems or nuisance in an area affecting the local community's quality of life, we may put rules in place to deal with it. These rules or 'orders' are designed to make sure we can all use and enjoy public spaces, safe from antisocial behaviour.

An ‘order’ places restrictions and requirements on certain behaviour in an area. The order can last up to three years. The Council can – after further consultation – extend it for another three-year period.

It will be a criminal offence not to comply with the order, and you can either receive a fixed penalty notice of £100 or be prosecuted, which could lead to a fine of up to £1,000.

Why is a PSPO put in place?

A PSPO can be introduced if the relevant behaviour is having, or is likely to have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life of people in the area. The behaviour must be ongoing or happening regularly, be unreasonable, and its impact must be such that the restrictions and requirements should be put in place.

Why are we consulting on a PSPO?

We currently have in place two Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) that cover Wigan Town Centre and Leigh Town Centre, both due to expire on 17th October 2023. Requests have been received to widen the area currently covered by the two PSPOs.

In brief it currently prohibits the following activities in the specified areas:

  • Intoxicating Substances
  • Begging
  • Anti-Social Behaviour.

When PSPOs are varied, extended, or discharged, there is a statutory requirement regarding publishing or publicising this and the Council are required to undertake a further consultation process.

It is now necessary to engage in an open and public consultation to give the users of the public space the opportunity to comment on whether the proposed restrictions are appropriate, proportionate, or needed at all.


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