Martland Park and Heinz Plot 1

Site reference: EM1A/25/01

UPRN (Address Point Reference): 010009212206 (nearby)

Site address: Challenge Way, Martland Park, Wigan

Employment Supply Name: Martland Park (Plot 1)

Postcode: WN5 0LD

Site size: 1.84 hectares

Site description: A flat vacant previously developed rectangular site approx. 1.84 hectares in size, in single ownership fronting onto both Challenge Way and Fourmarts Road. The site is overgrown and has well defined boundaries. The land sits adjacent to existing industrial units within the popular Martland Park.

Location: The site is located within the Martland Park employment area fronting onto Challenge Way and Fourmarts Road. It is situated 2.5 miles to the M6 at Junction 26 and the M58. Martland Park is the largest employment area within the borough extending to 100.39 hectares in total and is in mixed ownership. The employment uses and property types, on the site, are mixed including manufacturing, warehouse and distribution, office use and some trade counter/retail use. The property types range from small starter units right through to large scale warehouse and distribution facilities including Heinz.

Access: Site access points available from Challenge Way and Fourmarts Road.

Planning position: No recent planning history (2000 onwards)

Development plan status: The land is included within a Primary Employment Area as designated in the Wigan Unitary Development Plan (EM1A 25).

Potential uses: The site is suitable for a range of employment uses including general industry, storage/logistics and office space.

Land ownership: Computionics Ltd

Availability: The site is considered to be available

Contact details: For a further discussion on opportunities within Wigan Borough contact The Invest in Wigan team 01942 489190

Location map

Martland Park P1 site Martland Park P1 plot Martland Park Plot 1

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