
To maintain high standards, we continually evaluate our performance against key business indicators and service standards set by tenants, we then report that performance. 

Annual Reports

We publish an Annual Tenant Report, setting out how we have delivered our part of the housing service standards and the work we have planned to make improvements. This year we have also produced a shorter highlights report, as requested by some of our tenants.

Our reports show how we are accountable to our tenants and how we make sure the services we deliver are what they want.

Housing Advisory Panel

The Housing Advisory Panel is made up of tenants and Councillors, who work together for the benefit of Wigan Council Tenants.

The Housing Advisory Panel will provide examination, scrutiny and challenge around services delivered to Wigan Council tenants. It will act as a source of advice for the Cabinet on issues of concern to tenants and leaseholders. It will provide and receive feedback via its members from other engagement forums and groups, ensuring that the tenant voice is at the heart of all housing services and promoting accountability. The Panel will provide leadership, challenge, and support in a constructive manner, sharing knowledge and experience as appropriate.

View agendas and minutes of previous meetings for the Housing Advisory Panel, as well as officer reports that were discussed (external link).


Learning from your complaints helps us to improve our housing services.

The Housing Ombudsman has published an updated Complaints Code. We have conducted a self-assessment against this to ensure our complaints policy is clear, and that you find it easy to raise a complaint and give us feedback on our services.

We reported the results to the Housing Advisory Panel on 5th September 2023 and agreed some improvements that we can make this year. The full self-assessment document is available on this web page.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

What are they: the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) are a set of questions to assess how well the Council, as a provider of social housing, is performing in providing good quality homes and housing services. The measures have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing and have been set up to improve standards in housing and to ensure that we are held accountable for the services we deliver.

To help assess how you think the Council is performing, a TSM survey will be sent out to you annually and the results will be reported back to both the Social Housing Regulator and you, our tenants. The results will then be used to highlight areas of improvement that as a council we will act upon. The Social Housing Regulator will share best practice with other social housing landlords so that we can learn from each other.

Wigan Council is dedicated to providing the best services we can, so in addition to the 12 statutory questions set by the Social Housing Regulator, we have also added some extra questions into the survey to get some additional feedback. The survey will ask questions about:

  • How satisfied our tenants are with the overall housing service
  • The quality of the repairs made to your home
  • Satisfaction with how well we maintain your homes
  • Satisfaction with the safety of your home and neighbourhood
  • How well our tenants feel we are listening and acting upon your views
  • How Tenants feel we keep them informed
  • Satisfaction with being treated fairly and respectfully.

We will be sending out the surveys between September and November 2023, using various methods from email, SMS text messages and post. If you would like the survey in a different format, please contact us either by phone 01942 486645 or

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